Not Home for the Holidays? Having Guests Over? Alert Us!

- 4:50 pm - November 11th, 2013

Automatic heating oil delivery is a great way to take one worry off of your plate this heating season. We will monitor your past heating oil usage and outdoor temperature data to know when your heating oil tank should be low. Automatic delivery can ensure you always have enough fuel to heat your home, but you need to keep us in the loop if your usage is going to change. 
One of the biggest changes during the holiday season is that our customers’ frequently play host to family members in their homes. This can lead to a drastic change in heating oil usage and may change your calculated fuel delivery date. Let us know if this is the case and we will adjust our delivery schedule accordingly!
Stay worry-free this holiday season. If you’ve yet to sign up for automatic delivery, contact us to enroll!

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Please fill out the form below or call a Glider representative at 1-800-724-3835.

** Delivery requests must be made over the phone during regular business hours **

Mr.   Ms.   Mrs.

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Oil   Propane   Both